Il Mondo Numerico con le Migliaia
Playing with Math 10 is based on 33 game-exercise cards. The formative path of this book is structured with these conceptual areas:
Pp. 4-6 Grouping together in different numerical bases
Pp. 7-9 Recognition of place value of numbers with the decimal system in units-tens-hundreds
Pp. 10-13 Comparison and matching, major, minor and equal with the hundreds
Pp. 14-16 The thousand: correspondence between quantities and numbers
Pp. 17-19 Recognition of place value of the digits with the thousands through abacus and arithmetic blocks multibase
Pp. 20-22 Reading and writing numbers with the thousands
Pp. 23-29 Order of succession and numerical comparison with the thousands
Pp. 30-31 Addition and subtraction with change of units, tens, hundreds and thousands
Pp. 32-36 Recognition, reading and writing the place value of numbers up to a million
It is also available the ENGLISH VERSION
The Series' theoretical model and formative path are visible on this website:
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